BUCS Outdoor Champs Qualification

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Qualification Process

Archers must first shoot a minimum Pre-Qualifying score, in a competition, or under competition conditions at competitions that meet all of the following conditions:

  • Must have been shot at, or since the BUCS Outdoor Championships last year
  • At least 5 archers completed the competition and are shown on the results sheet
  • At least 2 clubs are present and competing
  • No more than 67% of all competitors are from a single clubs (can be university or external clubs)

e.g. inter-club friendly, league legs/championships and open competitions etc.

If they do, they become eligible to enter BUCS Outdoors finals.

Minimum Pre-Qualifying Scores - 2024

Scores are more or less the same as last year, with some rounds having been withdrawn.

The scores listed in Table 1 are the minimum qualification criteria for all categories. Archers who achieve the minimum scores listed in Table 2 will be given priority entry. Roughly speaking, Minimum scores for Experienced Senior A2 scores, Novice U21 A3 Scores. Priority scores Experienced Senior B3 Scores, Novice Senior A3 Scores.

All scores must have been shot at, or since the BUCS Outdoor Championships 2023

BUCS Outdoor 2024 qualification scores - table 1 minimum qualification criteria

BUCS Outdoor 2024 qualification scores - table 2 priority entry criteria

Minimum Pre-Qualifying Scores - 2023

The scores listed in Table 1 are the minimum qualification criteria for all categories. Archers who achieve the minimum scores listed in Table 2 will be given priority entry. Roughly speaking, Minimum scores for Experienced Senior A2 scores, Novice U21 A3 Scores. Priority scores Experienced Senior B3 Scores, Novice Senior A3 Scores.

2023 - Table 1 - minimum qualification score requirements
Male Experienced WA1440 (90m) 380982124566
York 24380970394
St George 21865165344
WA900 367721132504
American 374699140502
WA720 28848547259
Female Experienced WA1440 (70m) 33898894536
Hereford 28790077466
Albion 18771169394
WA900 29168887432
American 30066993436
WA720 22544530205
Male Novice Metric 2 31893787453
Bristol 2 33091493562
Windsor 28071483384
WA900 22360663311
American 22359568320
WA720 17035331176
Female Novice Metric 2 23485455354
Bristol 2 24583859365
Windsor 21066152308
WA900 16655740247
American 17555144257
WA720 12530420133

2023 - Table 2 - priority entry qualification score requirements
Male Experienced WA1440 (90m) 5981162248866
York 4231019149684
St George 366795136562
WA900 524798253669
American 521766263652
WA720 41957899425
Female Experienced WA1440 (70m) 5581167195849
Hereford 4871083163763
Albion 410836144615
WA900 447776176617
American 449747185605
WA720 35455164368
Male Novice Metric 2 4221044128599
Bristol 2 4321012136602
Windsor 360782118490
WA900 29166992403
American 30065299408
WA720 22542346243
Female Novice Metric 2 31897582485
Bristol 2 33094887493
Windsor 28073877408
WA900 22362860332
American 23361564340
WA720 17037729190

Minimum Pre-Qualifying Scores - 2022

The scores listed in Table 1 are the minimum qualification criteria for all categories. Archers who achieve the minimum scores listed in Table 2 will be given priority entry. Roughly speaking, experienced archers, priority is 1st class or handicap equivalent, minimum standards is 2nd class. For novices, priority is 2nd class under 18, minimum is 3rd class under 18.

2022 - Table 1 Minimum Standards
Male Experienced Gents WA1440 7161026226328
York 51186589158
St George 44268992157
WA900 603739236337
American 594713258355
Female Experienced Ladies WA1440 602845187224
Hereford 508752124155
Albion 435610121149
WA900 481617166199
American 487607188256
Male Novice Metric 2 388769141256
Bristol 2 381754132248
Windsor 332605125225
WA900 25550088166
American 277504105188
Lady Novice Metric 2 332449174256
Bristol 2 325442165248
Windsor 287379155225
WA900 217295110166
American 240316129188

2022 - Table 2 Priority Entry
Male Experienced Gents WA1440 8851134305538
York 698996142335
St George 575777142307
WA900 681783316500
American 662752335504
Female Experienced Ladies WA1440 8171092245391
Hereford 7231010173306
Albion 590785165278
WA900 603739217337
American 594713240355
Male Novice Metric 2 707981256388
Bristol 2 695955248381
Windsor 563743225332
WA900 461**619188277
American 469**631166255
Female Novice Metric 2 512769256*360*
Bristol 2 505754248*353*
Windsor 426605225310
WA900 337**504188258
American 355**400166236

* Corrected 13th April 2022

** Corrected 4th May 2022

Minimum Pre-Qualifying Scores - 2021 only

Automatic Qualification scores were 2nd Class scores (for seniors) and 3rd class scores (for novices).

The table below applies to the 2021 event only:

Gent Experienced American594713258355
Lady Experienced American487607188222
Gent Novice American277504105188
Lady Novice American2403162466

For seniors there is a second chance at qualification, with a second class score:

Gent Experienced American469619172222
Lady Experienced American33550474116

Minimum Pre-Qualifying Scores - for 2019

Automatic Qualification scores were 1st Class scores (for seniors) and 3rd class scores (for novices).

The table below shows the Pre-Qualifying scores used in 2019 (the event was not held in 2020):

Gent Experienced Gents WA14408851134305538
St George575777142307
WA70m (Sunday)437n/a98232
WA50m (Sunday)n/a558n/an/a
Lady Experienced Ladies WA14408171092245391
WA70m (Sunday)340n/a53110
WA50m (Sunday)n/a506n/an/a
Gent Novice Metric I571873171224
Lady Novice Metric II480769101157
Bristol II47375492148

For seniors there is a second chance at qualification, with a second class score:

Gent Experienced Gents WA14407161026226328
St George44268992157
Lady Experienced Ladies WA1440602845187224

Regional Qualification Venues

Unlike BUCS Indoor Champs, there is no intermediate Regional Qualifying.


Pre-Qualifying scores were introduced in 2009.