Latest News from UKSAA

  • "Student archers on Olympic Team" - new editorial article published, as four former BUCS/BUTC champions will take part in the Paris 2024 Olympics. [19/Jul/24 12:30]

  • ArcheryGB have announced that University Club affiliation costs for the next 3 years in a post on their website. In 2024/25 - so for this coming academic year - the cost will go up from £180 to £200. For the year after next, 2025/26, it will be £210. It will rise again to £220 in 2026/27. Overall, this is an increase of 22%, but the rise is spread over 4 years and crucially, bulk membership remains in place. [16/Jul/24 12:00]

  • BUCS Outdoors team results: Sheffield (men's) and Nottingham (women's) win the team categories. The result is Sheffield's first ever national student title. Nottingham win the ladies Outdoor team title for the third year in a row. Warwick were second in the men's side, with Loughborough taking women's team silver. Leeds picked up both sets of bronze team medals. In fourth place were Southampton's gents and Edinburgh's ladies. Getting BUCS points in 5th to 8th ladies teams were Bristol, Southampton, York and Warwick. 5th to 8th on the gents team were Nottingham, Bath, Bristol and Liverpool. See BUCS Outdoors 2024 Review. [19/Jun/24 17:00]

  • BUCS Outdoors Saturday WA720/H2H headlines: Cheung Sum Hin (Sheffield) and Megan Costall (Birmingham) win recurve H2Hs, beating Wills Chiu (Warwick) and Natasha Homer (Edinburgh) in their respective finals. Morgan Donaldson (Sunderland) beat Kim Minseok (Southampton) with Roisin Mooney (Bristol) beat Louisa Piper (Nottingham) for recurve bronzes. Compound H2H winners were Jake Walsh (Edinburgh) and Layla Annison (East Anglia). Barebow H2H winners were Daniel Kilgallon (UCLan) and Ilia Sediq (Loughborough). Sunday WA900 headlines: Cheung Sum Hin won with Morgan Donaldson second and Alex Williams (Bristol) third. Louisa Piper won ladies recurve, with Megan Costall second and Natasha Homer third. Compound and barebow titles were won by the same archers as the day before. More details to follow. Links to the ianseo pages are in the BUCS Outdoors section of UKSAA. [updated 10/Jun/24 11:00]

  • "Bradford on the brink" - new editorial published. [07/Jun/24 17:30]

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Plymouth 22nd Jul
Leeds 16th Jul
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Welcome to the United Kingdom Student Archery Association (UKSAA) website. The UKSAA is an independent, informal website. It was created to help disseminate information within the UK's university archery community. Every member of a university archery club and anyone else who wishes to help can consider themselves a member of the UKSAA. The UKSAA's email address is .

UKSAA tries to cover all the UK's university archery competitions and their results, both national (BUCS Indoor, Outdoor, the E-League and BUTC) and regional (SSS, TOUCAN, SWWU, NEUAL and SEAL). The site also has editorial articles, a season-long competition calendar and a club directory, with contact information from the UK's university archery clubs.

If you have some news or information or if you have any ideas for the site, don't just sit there thinking "what a good idea, if only they did that", get in touch. Send an email to and do something about it.

You can also find UKSAA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.