On a more personal note...

As some of you might be aware, BUSA Outdoors 2006 just happened. I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly thank everyone for the massive amounts to help and enthusiasm they have shown me.

Let's do the main thank yous. ACME, whose ranks I will be properly re-joining next season deserve so much credit. I was thrown out of the caravan approximately half a dozen times ("We've got it covered, now f*** off and shoot") but Ian McGibbon*, Paul Williamson, Michael Ward, Alan Stiles as well as the field party Claire Hitchen**, Jill Rennie, Glyn Ball, Megan Lickliter, Tom Duncan, Steve Wicks, James Thatcher, Laura Borrer Closs, Charlotte Pentecost, I now owe you all. The competition might say Stewart Barclay and Napier Uni AC on the label, but without your input, we'd probably still be calculating the results now.

Thanks to the judging team especially, Pam Jones. This was organised solely by Pam and really had very little to do with me. Thanks to Marie at BUSA and as Lady Pararmount. And of course thanks to the staggering 260 of you guys who shot, especially those who moved the bosses on Friday night after Lilleshall's "little error". Even those of you whose adding up is a little wayward. Ann Shepherd from Archery UK who took some photos which I hope to publish at some point was quite taken aback at the scale of the event.

Also thanks to the Napier contingent who made it down and who have allowed me to merrily hijack the club to pursue my latest idea, however theoretical or plain silly. I set up Napier Uni AC at the start of 2004/05 season and largely thanks to the enthusiasm of its members, virtually all complete beginners, it is now flourishing. My particular thanks to Phil Roberts, out first club president, Craig Atkin our current president and the whole club this year who have been excellent. Also Tim Mundon, Tom Duncan and David Lange who have been invaluable as coaches and lifts and to Heriot-Watt and more recently Edinburgh who have allowed us to crash their practice sessions. The club has won lots of SUS medals (even I've got one for the SUS League) and I'm hugely proud of how things have developed and what has been achieved in difficult circumstances.

Like I said in the main review going from zero to national tournament hosts in 18 months is pretty good going. I would recommend hosting a tournament to any club. It's a lot of work, but well worth it. The tournament was also my last appearance as a student archer and before I shot my last three arrows I took a long look around, with some satisfaction, at my final flourish.

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* Special thanks to Ian for not only having a louder voice than me, but also lending me "magic" arrows which I did not smash. Mainly through fear.
** Extra special thank you to Claire.