Edinburgh wrapped up the formalities of a ninth consecutive SUS clean sweep, winning the last remaining SUS League Match (a postal against Napier and Dundee) and SUS Outdoor Champs, both by very healthy margins. This brings Edinburgh's SUS winning run to 45 matches. From 2011/12, the SUS League will undergo a change of format.
In the postal league match, Edinburgh posted a total of 2212, courtesy of a 560 each from YD Zheng and Migle Petruskeviciute, to win this match and the league title. Napier got 1922, 190 points behind Edinburgh, but 160 ahead of Dundee. Dundee however were effectively in a shoot off with Edinburgh for the SUS novice league title and although they posted a total of 1248, this was never likely to be enough to stop Edinburgh who notched 1627.
In 2011, SUS Outdoor Championships changed format to a St George/Albion/Windsor to help provide BUCS Outdoor qualification scores and on a blustery day in Edinburgh there were no problems for the home side. Erik Rowbotham (Edinburgh) was top gent recurve ahead of Matt Beattie (Abertay) and Jamie Paton (Strathclyde). On the Albion line, there was an Edinburgh 1-2-3 with Jenny Jeppsson winning this title for the first time, Migle Petruskeviciute and Lizzie Bell. Douglas Jardine and Imola Cseke (both Edinburgh) were top novices. Naomi Jones (Edinburgh) was top lady compound with 905 on the Albion, breaking the nine year old All Unis record by a single point. [Update 17th May]
Final SUS tables are now available.
From 2011/12, the format of the SUS League (seven three-way matches) will be changing for the first time. It will become very similar to the current BUTTS league format, with two venues hosting legs simultaneously and the results be combined in an all against all format. There are currently seven full SUS clubs but the top team will receive 10 points, second place getting 9 and so on down (similar to NEUAL). The changes should allow for more genuinely competitive matches next season and also enable new or incomplete teams to be folded in to the structure - there are often rumours of a club forming at Glasgow. SUS Championship events will continue as before, but will not contribute to league standings.
The calendar of league matches and championship events will of course, subject to alteration, but it is intended that the same clubs will host the same events for the next three years. This is in order to boost stability in a league which saw fixture chaos in 2010/11, thanks to a double whammy of weather cancellations and Napier's Sports Centre performing a mid season about turn on allowing archery to take place. Due to their respective venue difficulties, Aberdeen and Napier are not currently slated to host any events. SUS will be hoping that a little bit of NEUAL and BUTTS influence can help improve the standard of what was once the toughest regional league.
Matt Nowicki will remain as League Co-ordinator for 2011/12, as will as his assistants Steven Wicks and Stewart Barclay (hello!).
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