The target list for BUCS Outdoors has now been published on the BUCS website, see the BUCS Outdoor section of this site, A total of 181 entrants ready to do battle over 144 arrows.
Also this year there will be BUCS meeting, open to a representative from each club, to explain fully the role of the SMG. Also on the agenda will be discission of future hosting of BUCS events, structure and organisation. All clubs are encouraged to attend. A rough timetable for the weekend has also been released. The campsite opens at 6pm on Friday, with registration from 7am to 8am on Saturday, assembly at 8.30am and the first scoring arrows scheduled for 9.30am. The BUCS meeting will take place after the shoot but before the results. Have you thought about hosting BUCS Indoor or BUCS Outdoor 2012? If so, then this would be a good place to get more info, before making a firm commitment. As for potential hosts of BUTC 2012, expressions of interest to UKSAA please!
As was accidentally not noted in the previous editorial about BUTTS, Steven Johnson (Birmingham) is remaining as BUTTS organiser for the 2011/12 season. This will be his third season in the role.
Elsewhere, the three outstanding NEUAL matches did not physically take place, so results will have to be extracted from elsewhere, probably BUCS Indoors. If Cardiff scores are used, Sheffield will take second place, ahead of Lancaster on match aggregate. Keele have already been confirmed as champions.
Results from the third SWWU leg of the year, held in Swansea on 7th May are still unknown.
Two SEAL matches that have taken place (but not yet been discussed in an editorial) are Imperial v Reading v Kent from mid March and Surrey v Kent v London from early April. In the first match, Imperial scored 2207 to beat Reading by 83, the Berkshire club scoring 2124 in response. Kent were third on 2060. In the second match Kent could only muster 2018 and fell just short of Surrey's 2025, with London a DNS. Jordan Muscatello (Imperial) top scored across the two matches with 563, with Anthony Tang (Reading, now Captain) on 555. Imperial, Reading and Kent finished in the same order in their novice match, Imperial's total of 1527 a long way in front. Kent's novice beat Surrey's novice in the other match.
Unlike in NEUAL, the three missing SEAL results definitely do affect the destination of the league title, particularly Southampton v London v Imperial. Both Southampton and Imperial are otherwise unbeaten, so if these three results are also calculated from Cardiff scores, then Southampton will be lifting their first ever regional league title. Southampton narrowly beat Imperial at BUCS, with both sides beaten by London. Imperial would finish second in the overall SEAL table ahead of Reading on points aggregate.
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