The E-League is up and running for 2016/17. Scores for round 1 can be shot at any time in September or October. UKSAA strongly endorses the E-League, but it is up to all clubs to participate. You can shoot more than one score for each E-League round and the E-League will use the best one to calculate the final tables.
At this time of year, most, if not all clubs are in the eye of the fresher storm. Good novice recruitment and training can have a positive impact, not only this year, but for years to come. You would be forgiven for thinking that the most important chunk of the season is in February and March (BUCS Indoors and BUTC) but in fact these early weeks are far more fundamental.
On the subject of February and March, BUCS Indoors 2017 will will take the form of Regional Qualifying Rounds leading to a National Finals. Dates and locations for these have yet to be announced. A provisional date for BUTC 2017 will be named as soon as BUCS championship dates are confirmed. Dates for SSS matches have been issued, although may be subject to change. BUCS Outdoors 2017 will be in Lilleshall on the weekend of the 10th and 11th June.
David Jenner is the new organiser for SWWU in 2016/17 - and therefore in his first season in charge. Alex Blake, Adam Peers, Bethany Woodcock and Stephen Fawcett begin their second, third, fourth and fifth seasons in charge of their respective leagues. The league tables have been reset for the new year.
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