Results from BUTTS match 1 are available on the BUTTS league website and will be published on BUTTS 16/17 page of UKSAA soon.
Birmingham got the defence of the BUTTS league title off to a spectacular start with a score of 2331 to bulldoze their way to maximum points. At university level this is the second highest Portsmouth team of 4 score ever seen and only the third time that the 2300 barrier has been broken after Edinburgh (2305 at SSS 2004) and Nottingham (2335 at BUCS 2013). The score breaks the existing BUTTS league record formerly held by Warwick (2296 in 2009) and is the highest score ever shot at a regional league match.
The individual highlight of Birmingham's magnificent team perfomance was Ashe Morgan who scored an eye-popping 598, with 59 golds and 2 nines. Just let that number, five hundred and ninety-eight, sink in for a moment. Morgan previously co-held the All Unis record on 594, but this effort simply shatters that previous mark - 4 points at this level is a wide margin.
Despite a team average of over 570, Warwick's 2282 left them trailing nearly 50 points behind. Tom Hall (Warwick) shot 591 to trail by 7, with Jack Masefield (Derby) third despite notching 590. In the 580s Francis Berti and Rebekah Tipping (both Birmingham) scored 585 and 580 to keep Birmingham well clear. Tipping just beat Philippa Taylor (Derby) 579, by a single point in the ladies. There were mid 570s from Rob Gray (Nottingham Trent), Sherman Ip (formerly London, formerly Oxford, now Warwick) and Arthur Coveney (Loughborough).
In total there were 15 archers over 560.
Loughborough were out own their own in third on 2247, whilst only 22 points covered positions 4th to 7th. Nottingham Trent bagged the last top half spot on 2209, with Derby on exactly 2200. Cambridge were six points behind Derby, with Nottingham a further seven behind Cambridge. Oxford scored 2118 but were nearly 70 adrift.
In the novice match BUTTS employs a team of 4 format and Birmingham won a hard fought contest against Cambridge by 10 points 1808 to 1798. Top of the individual pile was Toby Beasley (Loughborough) on 508.
BUTTS match 2 follows at Nottingham Trent and Loughborough this coming weekend. Record books at the ready?
Editors note 25th Nov - BUTTS tables are now up to date, All Uni Records spreadsheet updated.
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