It's pretty clear that the 2020/21 UK student archery season is going to look a little different. Indeed, the entire student experience is going to be different.
Any plans for anything, especially competitions, will be subject to local and national restrictions regarding Covid-19. To avoid repeating itself, this editorial will try not use the phrase "subject to local and national restrictions regarding Covid-19" every time it applies, but it's worth remembering that everything is subject to local and national restrictions regarding Covid-19.
First up, the E-League is provisionally happening as normal, but there will be an announcement to confirm (or deny!) that. In any case, you would't need to have shot a score for Round 1 until the end of October.
BUTC organisers are looking for clubs who might be interested in hosting BUTC 2021. A preferred date is still TBC. Please get in contact with UKSAA to register interest - the sooner the better.
BUCS Indoor Qualifying and Finals now have 2021 dates, with some of the locations still to be officially tied down, although it looks like it will be a very similar set of hosts to last year. The qualifiers will run over two weekeds in mid February, with the National Finals scheduled for Saturday 13th March.
As previously reported, BUCS Outdoors is now a 2-day event with the 1440 and 720/H2H brought under one umbrella - well, it is Lilleshall. To be a champion (or win some BUCS points) you will need to contest both events, with combined placings from each day (e.g. 1st and 2nd beats 3rd and 1st) determining the final order. If there is a tie, the H2H will decide. Team scores (and the associated titles, medals and points) will be calculated from the 1440 plus the 720 ranking round.
There are no regional league fixture dates to announce yet.
SWWU looks set to grow up in size. Bangor, for so long on the outskirts of the regional league jigsaw puzzle, look set to take a full part. New clubs at the University of the West of England and Cardiff Met. are expected to join up too, with Trinity St. David also having been contacted. That would make 11 full clubs and with at least 1 solo archer identified, SWWU have voted to move from 10 points for 1st in a leg, up to 15, 14 for 2nd etc., similar to SEAL and SSS. Bournemouth were another target for SWWU organisers, but sadly that club seems to no longer be active. Their Students Union replied to an email enquiry saying "Unfortunately the students from that society have not re-registered for this year".
NEUAL is contemplating changing from the 2 or 3-way North, East and West Conference matches to all vs all format. The existing Championship rounds, NEUAL Indoor Champs and scores from BUCS regional qualifying, would remain. This would bring NEUAL's format into line with the other 4 leagues and provide a framework for a greater number of genuinely competitive encounters.
But of course, it's all subject to local and national restrictions regarding Covid-19. Oh, I was doing so well...
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