There have been some real live actual results! E-League Round 1 was especially elongated to include September and October as usual, plus 1st-14th November. Some scores were registered as 11 universities were able to field recurves with 4 managing complete teams of 4.
Sometimes the September/October round catches clubs out with its earliness in the season. For comparison however, the first E-League round of last season, Sep/Oct 2019, 22 clubs fielded recurves and there were 19 complete teams of 4.
Nottingham finished on top with 2284, with Oxford second just over 100 behind. Leicester and Newcastle were the other two complete teams, with Bristol and Northampton managing partial teams, plus a further 5 solo scorers. This is Nottingham's third ever E-League round win and their first since February 2012. Hannah Evans (Nottingham) was top lady recurve, with Yang Pei (Oxford) top gent.
There were no novice scores. Sadly this part of the story seems like it will echo throughout the whole 2020/21 season.
Round 2 of the E-League runs from 15th November through to 31st January 2021. This is what is normally Round 3, with the last half of November stuck on the front. Clubs are strongly encourage to shoot E-League scores where possible, see the E-League website and in E-League section of this site.
Looking ahead to the possibility of person competition, BUCS has announced a change to the structure of the 2021 Indoor Championships, see BUCS website and in BUCS Indoors section. The three Qualifier events are being scrapped due to the phased return of training for students across the country. The National Finals event is moving from Warwick to Bristol - and there will be no H2Hs, only Portsmouths, spread over Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March 2021. This will allow clubs to be grouped together, and each club will only need to travel to one event. Effectively this is a reversion to the format used prior to 2017.
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