In the student archery world that this website concerns itself with, the 2021/22 season has the potential to be a return to normality - at least for those clubs who have made through the last 18 months.
Please do check the Club Directory and make sure your club's details are up to date. If they aren't, then let UKSAA know.
The E-League will be coming back this season, although the E-League website isn't quite ready to accept scores yet. If you have shot a Portsmouth under competition conditions since 1st September, please hold on to it. There will be a further announcement once the E-League is ready. The E-League hasn't enjoyed a full 5-round season since 2017/18. Hopefully 2021/22 can put an end to that run. Round 1 covers the months of September and October, with scores to be submitted by early November.
There should be two BUTC's in the academic year 2021/22 as the much delayed BUTC 2021 is scheduled to take place in Bristol on the weekend of 30/31 October or 6/7 November. One important rule change which applies to the 2021 tournament only, is that if you would have been eligible in March 2021, but have since graduated, you can still shoot for your old club. Again, a further announcement will follow soon.
BUTC 2022 should be in its usual March-ish slot. It's never too early to contact UKSAA to show interest in hosting that.
Moving to regional league business, Xanthe Miller, Hannah Burnage and Alex Rowe join Juliet Spedding and Stephen Fawcett as the 5 lead organisers for the 2021/22 season.
Xanthe Miller (Edinburgh) takes over the SSS job, with Andrew Smith (Napier) and Robyn Geddes (Glasgow) staying in their supporting roles. Hannah Burnage (Warwick) is also new in the BUTTS hot seat. Her predecessor, Morgan Burgess (Nottingham) was only in place for one season as BUTTS organiser, but he was the most prolific regional tournament organiser last season as BUTTS Outdoor Champs were the only regional compeititon to actually take place. Alex Rowe (Plymouth) takes over from last season's SWWUrumvirate and appears to be the first Plymouth archer ever to hold the role. Meanwhile Stephen Fawcett (ex Southampton, Imperial) remains at the helm of SEAL. By the end of the 21/22 season he will have racked up a decade in charge. Discarding the non-event of 2020/21, by the end of this season there will have been 18 competitive seasons of SEAL, with Fawcett in charge for exactly half of them.
The NEUAL committee has struggled with unfilled vacancies over the last few years and the league needed to put out an emergency request for organisers for 2021/22. Juliet Spedding has moved across from NEUAL Tournaments Organiser to the overall NEUAL Organiser role. Philip Taylor (Huddersfield) and Charlotte Gleeson (Sunderland) will take over as NEUAL Tournaments Organiser and NEUAL Secretary respectively. This will be Juliet Spedding's third year running the show. NEUAL is set to move away from its Conference structure to the split venue all vs all format used by the other leagues.
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