The Summer Rankings competitions is running again in 2022. As long as you were eligible for a BUCS Championships in 2022 you can take part. You need to submit 3 standard, Outdoor rounds, minimum of 6 dozen arrows per round. Open competitions are preferred, but club tournament days are acceptable - the point being that you may need evidence of the score with a counter-signed score/results sheet. The rounds can be shot any time between April and August and must be submitted by the end of September.
The summer rankings were initiated in 2019, before an enforced sabbatical in 2020. They re-started last year, although turnout was understandably low, so 2022 represents something of a re-launch. See details on the Student Summer Rankings page of UKSAA.
The Summer Rankings are effectively a partner competition to the E-League. E-League Round 5 results still haven't been published, but the organisers have been contacted, so hopefully they will appear soon.
Also BUCS and All Unis records have been updated, up to and including BUCS Outdoors 2022 and the WA900 round has been added. This has created 16 new All Unis record, M/F Exp/Nov across 4 bowstyles. So far the WA900 has only been shot at the last 2 BUCS Outdoor Championships, but also the last 2 BUTTS Outdoors and also SWWU Outdoors this year. The full list can be seen on the All Unis records spreadsheet in the Resources section - 9 of the 16 were set at this year's Lilleshall.
In other summer news, the World University Games in Chengdu, China has been postponed (again) to 2023. Ekaterinburg, in Russia, has been stripped of its hosting, originally scheduled for 2023. The 2025 summer games are unaffected and will take place in the Rhine/Ruhr region of Germany. ArcheryGB have confirmed that they expect the qualification scores to remain the same, see the Internationals section.
It is not yet clear which year will be the cut-off for graduate eligibility, as the usual 2 year cycle has been extended twice.
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