The E-League will leap back in action in the 2024/25 season - hopefully reinvigorated after a tricky 23/24. The window to shoot scores for Round 1 is from 1st September to 31st October - i.e. now! Scores should be Portsmouth, and ideally include hits and golds. They need to have been shot under competition conditions, but not necessarily in competition.
Last season saw results being published very, very late - most of them not until August, despite the window for last round of scores being March. Oxford won the E-League title for the first time in 23/24, having finished second in both the previous two seasons. The Dark Blues won 4 out of the 5 rounds. Southampton finished second overall. That's their best E-League finish since they won in 2013/14. Birmingham were third, ahead of Warwick and Surrey. Individual recurve winners were Yang Pei (Oxford) and Hollie Murdock (Ulster).
The exact mechanics of score submissions are still to be confirmed. However the 5 round structure (Sep/Oct, Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb, Mar) will be retained, so clubs are encouraged to retain any scores that are being shot just now for submission later.
The E-League is under new management this season in a revamped BUCS Events Management Group. The competition is only as good as the number of clubs who enter. UKSAA strongly recommends participating in this event. With A, B and C teams, novice teams, compound teams and all the individual categories, experienced and novice, it is a great chance to compete against student archers from all over the UK.
See links to the UKSAA website's E-League section and also to the Student Virtual Competitions website.
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