Hello and welcome to the new home of the UKSAA website, www.uksaa.com! As Yahoo's Geocities hosting is being shut down soon, I have taken the long overdue step of getting proper hosting for this site. Whilst moving the site content across to its new home, I took the opportunity to make a few changes to the coding in the background. At this stage, it shouldn't make too much difference to you, the visiting public as I have kept cosmetic changes to a minimum. However the new hosting does mean that the pop-up ads are no more!
As you can see, I am still in the process of migrating much of the older and less frequently updated content across to the new site. Please be patient - this is largely the reason that genuinely new content has been a bit thin on the ground recently. The old site will still be available for reference until 26th October when Geocities shuts down completely.
With a new website, there are bound to be some teething troubles, so I would be grateful if you could let me know if something isn't working at the old email address studentarchery@@yahoo.co.uk. Please also check that your club info page is up to date and email if it isn't. Also, if you are responsible for your club's website, please add/change the link to the UKSAA to the new domain www.uksaa.com.
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