First things first, a correction. Although the Archery section of the BUCS website (where the initial information came from) says the closing date for entries to BUCS Indoor Champs is Thu 4th Feb, the BUCS 2010 Championships information pack says the entry deadline is midnight Thu 11th Feb. No late entries will be accepted. Also entries are submitted online through your Athletic Union/Sports Office, using Fixtures Live. Contact your Athletic Union/Sports Office - preferably before deadline day - if you are not sure how this works.
Note that if demand for places outstrips venue capacity then those towards the end of each club's list of entrants are less likely to receive a space. In previous years, the cut off point has been 15 to 17 individuals per university. Unfilled places on the day will be filled from the reserve list - direct substitutions are NOT permitted. Entry fee for BUCS Indoors remains unchanged at £11 per person, with no additional team fee.
The entry deadline for BUTC has now passed. The list of teams that have been allocated spaces is as follows (A teams only unless stated): Bath, Birmingham, Bradford, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh (A & B), Essex (A & B), Exeter, Imperial (A & B), Keele, Kent (A & B), Lancaster, Liverpool, Loughborough, Napier, Nottingham (A & B), Nottingham Trent, Oxford, Reading, St Andrews, Sheffield, Southampton, Surrey (A & B), Warwick (A & B) and York. The top three teams on the waiting list are Cambridge B, Birmingham B and York B. If your team has to withdraw, then please contact Rhys Rhodes at Nottingham.
Go to the tournament website for more information. Teams should fill out the Team Info and Valentines Message forms on the Entry Forms page of the site.
Scores for Round 3 of the E-League, December/January must be submitted Fri 5th Feb.
In regional league news, Loughborough won their home BUTTS league match on Sun 24th Jan, Matt Cole's 571 contributing to a team total of 2225. Despite two scores in the high 560s from David Longworth and Marc Tamlyn, Oxford were just over 50 behind Loughborough, but nearly fifty clear of Warwick who pipped Birmingham to third. Although they finished last in the senior match, Birmingham did win the novice match with Oxford second again. The results leave Loughborough 4 points clear of Nottingham in the senior BUTTS table but having played a game more and brings the possibility of a winner takes all BUTTS Indoor Champs ever closer.
Both Heriot-Watt v St Andrews v Aberdeen and Surrey v Kent v Sussex were held on Sat 23rd Jan but there is no sign of those results yet, nor is there any sign of the results from any of the fixtures held on the weekend of the 30th/31st January. If you have any of these, please send them to your local organiser and UKSAA.
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