The Club Info and Links section has been updated with as much information as there is available on the various club websites up and down the land. Could I take this opportunity to thank those clubs who have kept me up to date with changing contact details and ask everyone to send me any information they notice is missing - don't assume that someone else at your club will do it! The best performances tables for all clubs have been updated. Congratulations to all clubs who broke new ground - in particular Reading who completely re-wrote all their bests and Essex who did virtually the same thing. The SEAL duo should take their place in regular E-League Divisons next year, after finishing 1st and 2nd in the catch-all Conference Division.
New pages have been added for new clubs at East Anglia and Manchester, both of whom attended BUCS Indoors with small squads. The first couple of seasons for a new club can be very difficult, so the best of luck to everyone there - hopefully both will continue to grow next season.
Additionally, Swansea were confirmed as SWWU champions after scores for the fourth SWWU leg were extracted from BUCS Outdoors. The result gave Swansea maximum points with four wins out of four matches. Bath were second and Exeter third for the fourth consecutive leg. Swansea were led home by Rhodri Curnow who scored 984, with Alice Pooley and Shaun Mudd also over 900. Novice scores were included in the overall team totals and no teams were not mixed. In the novice match, Bath won, an 848 for Luke Clements the top score. However as Swansea took second place ahead of two man Exeter, this meant that Bath were able to overhaul Exeter on the line, to pinch the SWWU novice title. See the final SWWU results and tables.
Swansea join Nottingham in recording their first senior regional league titles in 2009/10. In 2008/09, both sides won their respective novice leagues, whilst missing out on the senior titles by a single league point each. Swansea and Nottingham's titles were both long overdue, coming at the ninth and fifteenth times of asking respectively. Elsewhere, Edinburgh's 100% senior SUS record now covers the last eight seasons. SEAL has been going for seven seasons with Imperial notching their fourth title in 2009/10, going one ahead of Surrey, who have won the other three. NEUAL results and tables will be updated when available. NEUAL has had four different senior league winners in the previous four seasons with Lancaster, Sheffield, Keele and York.
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