The competitive season is approaching and there are a number of important deadlines coming up.
The entry deadline for BUTC 2022 is Sun 30th Oct. Cost is £42/team, i.e. £14/person. Entry requires you to complete BUTC 2022 entry form and purchase entry via an online product. Details in the entry form. BUTC 2023 needs a host club. Deadline to bid is also Sun 30th Oct.
The deadline to shoot scores for Round 1 of the E-League is Monday 31st October. The deadline for score submissions is Monday 7th November. In general, E-League score submission deadlines are the 7th of the following month. This season, Round 5 March will use a WA18. All other rounds will use Portsmouths as usual.
Also the first regional league fixtures of the season are already upon us, despite it still being October. SWWU match 1 is a postal opering this week and next, with a cut off of Sun 6th Nov. SSS match 1 is the first in person fixture, on Sat 29th Oct at Heriot-Watt. The first NEUAL fixture will be NUTC at Liverpool on Sat 5th Nov.
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