The first set of confirmed regional league fixtures have been published on the Calendar page and the regional calendars. Fixtures for SUS, SEAL and pre-Christmas BUTTS are now available.
However before the Leagues get under way there is the Stag Hill Open Indoor Tournament 2008. This is a FITA 18, hosted by Surrey on Sat 25th Oct, chief organiser is Surrey President Matthew Brown. The closing date for entries is Sat 11th Oct. For full details and to get a copy of the entry form, see the tournament's webpage at
The League seasons currently start on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of November with Reading v Essex v Kent and Warwick at home to Nottingham, Birmingham and Loughborough. A week later there are matches at Loughborough, Surrey, Dundee and Imperial. [Para substantially rewritten 25/Sep/08. Ed.]
The preferred date for BUCS Indoor Champs was Sat 14th Mar, which meant the BUTC preferred date was Sat 28th Feb. So far BUCS have received one bid to host it on Sat 7th Mar. Assuming that this goes ahead, the preferred date for BUTC would then move to Sat 21st Mar. Got all that? If you want to join Edinburgh, York, Nottingham, Warwick, Edinburgh again and Durham by hosting BUTC, get in touch with UKSAA now.
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