All BUTC competitors are strongly encouraged to fill in the traditional Competitor Questionnaire - fill in a copy and give it to the commentators on the day. Of course, any information you supply in these could be used against you, but if you don't fill one in, then you give the commentary team the right to make up something much worse!
The list of the 32 teams that are scheduled to complete at BUTC '09 is as follows: Bath A&B, Birmingham, Bradford, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Essex, Exeter A&B, Imperial A&B, Keele A&B, Lancaster, Liverpool A&B, London, Loughborough, Napier, Nottingham A&B, Oxford, St. Andrews, Sheffield, Surrey A&B, Swansea A&B, Warwick A&B and York.
If for any reason a team decides to drop out, please notify the organisers as soon as possible so that a team on the waiting list can take their place. The waiting list of teams is (in order): Leeds A, Derby A, Cambridge B, Lancaster B, Birmingham B, St Andrews B, Durham B, Oxford B, Essex B, Loughborough B, Napier B, York B, Leeds B.
Now to some other personnel announcements. Werner Beiter will once again be in attendance as will BUTC creator Tim Mundon. Ian McGibbon will be leading the organisational team with hosts' chief organiser and Swansea Club Captain, Craig May. Judges will be Andrew Phillips, Glyn Ball, Tom Duncan and Ruth Bedder, commentators will be Chris Burnett and Stewart Barclay.
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