With one eye on getting qualifying scores for BUCS Outdoors, if clubs are hosting friendlies then please do send the results to UKSAA. These can be published in the Other Fixtures section and it is then straightforward to provide a link to them. Assuming the shoots meet the other criteria laid out in BUCS' Entry Information document, scores should be accepted for qualifying purposes.
The Calendar page has been updated to now show only Outdoor competitions - please get in contact if there are any errors or omissions. SSS Outdoors and H2H were on the 20th and 21st April. The next scheduled fixture is NEUAL Outdoors on 11th May.
It's AGM season for most, so please check the Club Directory for any club(s) you are associated with and get in touch if any of the contact information is out of date - preferably with the new information.
The Club Directory is one of the oldest parts of the UKSAA website, with over 60 clubs now listed. Info usually includes a link to the club's website (and/or Facebook page), a club email address, plus the names of two or three key people that an external person might want to get hold of. Individual email addresses are strictly optional.
The last part of the page is the Best results table, which is fairly self-explanatory. 2019 results will be incorporated in to this after BUCS Outdoors.
Editorials ** Latest Article
Club Directory
Regional Leagues
SSS ** Tables
NEUAL ** Tables
TOUCAN ** Tables
SWWU ** Tables
SEAL ** Tables
Other Fixtures ** Results
ISAA ** Tables
National Competitions
BUCS Indoor
BUCS Outdoor
Summer Rankings
Resources ** BUCS EMG
Website Info ** Search the site