The E-League is being rebooted for 2019/20, courtesy of the BUCS EMG, see the E-League section of this website.
Because of the reboot, all clubs are now required to register on the new E-League website Please try to do this ASAP to avoid a last minute rush. If your club had dropped out of the E-League now would be an ideal time to get back on the horse.
The E-League's calendar will be more or less the same as before. There will be 5 rounds (Round 1 Sept/Oct, 2 Nov, 3 Dec/Jan, 4 Feb and 5 Mar) and scores must be submitted by the 5th of the following month. Results should now be published a further 5 days later, meaning that E-League champions should be crowned on or around Friday 10th April 2020.
The E-League is the most inclusive competition on the calendar. No scores go unusued and it is uniquely able to pit clubs and individuals from everywhere against one another repeatedly over the course of a season.
The very first version of the E-League was run on a spreadsheet and ran for two seasons, 2002/03 and 2003/04. After a hiatus of one season, the E-League came back in its previous form and ran from 2005/06 til three fifths of the way through 2018/19. Frustratingly, results from the last two rounds of 2018/19 remain unpublished.
One final reminder that today is the score submission deadline for the Student National Rankings competition. Another final reminder that scores must be Outdoor and a minimum of 6 dozen in length. Portsmouths and WA18m fail on both criteria and will NOT count.
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