The Qualifiers for BUCS Indoors 2020 were spread over the 15th and 22nd February and, for the first time, there were 3 of them. Full results can be found through the BUCS Indoor section of this site. BUCS will publish a list of those who have made the cut for BUCS Indoor National Finals later this week.
Extra note 27th Feb - BUCS confirmed that the minimum scores to make the cut for the National Finals were (gents/ladies) 520/514 for recurve, 570/567 for compound, 455/425 for barebow and 281/226 for longbow.
In gents recurve, William Pike (Warwick) was top qualifier on 586, with Tom Braxton (Leeds) and Joe Tripp (Plymouth) both notching 584. Christopher Woodgate and James Gardner (both Warwick) were on 583 and 581, whilst Charis Charalambous (East Anglia) scored exactly 580. There were a further 6 gents in the 570s: Chris Avins (Birmingham), Arthur Coveney, Ben Evans (both Loughborough), Paul Ross, Yohann Renault (both St Andrews) and Sherman Ip (Warwick).
In ladies recurve, Rachel Moon (Keele) outshone all the gents with 589, with 570s from Ffion Edgeley (De Montfort), Megan Tinker (York St John) and Rebekah Tipping (Birmingham), Lauren Bann (Essex) and Jodie Green (Warwick).
In ladies barebow, Jessica Nilsson (Edinburgh) was on top with 538. Sarah Prieels (Edinburgh) was top compound on 589, with Emma King (Plymouth) the leading lady longbow on 412. In gents barebow, there was an All Unis record broken. Lonja Selter (Plymouth) shot 558, sticking 3 points on the existing record of 555, itself only shot earlier this season. Kai Thomas-Prause (Warwick) and Jake Walsh (Edinburgh) were top gent compounds on 594, just 2 shy of Thomas-Prause's own All Unis record. Henry Cossey (Kings College) was top gent longbow on 468.
NEUAL, SEAL and SWWU are extracting a round's worth of results from the BUCS Qualifiers. East Anglia claimed a narrow SEAL win over Imperial 2175 to 2170. This result cuts Imperial's lead to 2 league points with one fixture to play. London and Essex were 3rd and 4th, over the 2100 mark. Plymouth won the SWWU leg with 2236. Bath scored 2208 to come second and Exeter third on 2177. Swansea were 4th on 2152, with all 7 "regular" SWWU teams breaking 2100. There were also teams from Bangor and Cardiff Met. Plymouth also won the SWWU novice match, with Aberystwyth in second and Bristol third. Plymouth now lead the senior SWWU table by 6 and the novice SWWU table by 8 points. Southampton just eased out Imperial at the top of the SEAL novice match and reassert a 1 point lead over Imperial, albeit with a slightly inferior match aggregate. Portsmouth were third in the novice match and East Anglia fourth. Cardiff won the SWWU compound match ahead of Exeter.
Results for the NEUAL fixture have not yet been released. SEAL 2019/20 and SWWU 2019/20 tables will be updated shortly.
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