Over the last few weeks, BUCS EMG has posted responses to a variety of feedback, on to the UKSAA's Facebook page. Qs and As are reproduced in full below. (The content of this article was prepared by the BUCS EMG.)
You said... "We didn’t like how long we had to wait to find out where/what session we were shooting in"
We discussed..." We will continue to process entry data as quickly as we can, and will always aim for it to be released no later than a week after the closing date. The only other way to get the information out sooner is to bring the closing date earlier, which we don’t want to do as we appreciate a number of you have exams"
You said... "We didn’t like the travelling"
We discussed..." The simple answer to this is: if you don’t want to travel then offer to host the event! This year we asked for BUCS to place a "Regional Preference" on the entries. This ensured we knew where you would rather shoot - although we still weren’t able to guarantee which venue you went to."
You said... "Space was cramped"
We discussed..."We agree! We are looking in to better chair layouts and ways we can make the most of the space we have for future events. We are also looking in to finding spaces for people to set up away from the main competition hall, however this is dependent on the venues we are using."
You said... "Timings were tight"
We discussed..."This year we trialled longer session times at all the indoor events. This seems to have had several benefits; sessions running to time, less congestion in the hall and (most importantly) less stressed volunteers"
You said... "There needed to be more information on rules, how to score etc."
We discussed..."Last year we placed "how to score" guides in each pair of scoreboards (one per boss) and made videos with various bits of information which were circulated on the UKSAA facebook page. We ask you to qualify at a competition conditions Portsmouth to ensure you know what to expect at a tournament. It is the responsibility of each club/archer to ensure that they are suitably prepared for the tournament (that being said, if you have any questions we’ll do our best to help!)"
You said... "There were no countdown clocks at regionals "
We discussed..."Whilst this is still not a requirement for UKRS shoots we do look in to it every year. Unfortunately we are still struggling to find matching timing systems to use at all the regional events. We have stated in the pre-event information for the last 2 years that there would be no countdown clocks at the regional events and were therefore surprised when people expected them to be there."
You said... "There were no boss numbers at the regional event "
We discussed..."This was a genuine oversight on our part, the boss numbers were in a box at the back of the hall where this happened. We have now created a TO Checklist to help make sure these things do not get forgotten in the future. We are also hoping to buy some Corex Boss Numbers (like the ones we use at finals) for the regional events"
You said... "The running slips don’t match the score sheets"
We discussed..."Hopefully this year they did! We set our Tournaments Team the task of creating running slips that matched the scoresheets over the summer, these new running slips were used at each of this year's regional events."
You said... "We would like music at the events"
We discussed..."This is something we continue to look at. We had music at this year's Finals event and we received a few complaints and had some medical issues raised which we need to iron out before having it played more widely. For us to have music at the regional events we need to be able to ensure it would be played through a decent set of speakers, and that the venues have the right licenses. There is normally music at the Outdoor weekend :) "
You said... "We don’t like the fact compound archers have to share a face"
We discussed..." As explained in the entry information it is likely that all archers will have to share a target face. This is due to the number of entries we receive. Whilst we appreciate this is not ideal for some of our (compound) archers, as we do not know where the banding/supporting pole on the bosses we use (at all venues) will be we cannot guarantee a safe way to have 4 faces on each boss. For this reason we stick with 2 faces per boss at all the regional events.The alternative to having archers sharing faces is that we reduce the number of archers able to shoot. This is not something we will pursue. Therefore it is likely that all archers will still be sharing faces in the future "
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