Derby's joining BUTTS means the Midlands league undergoes its first re-structuring in twelve years. Instead of having 3-way matches with 7 teams like SUS and SEAL, BUTTS will have 4-way matches in a "reverse-SUS". There are still 7 fixtures but all teams now play each other twice in the league phase, with 4 points for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd, 1 for 4th and 0 for a no show. The Indoor Championships count towards the league points total with 7 points for the winner, 6 for 2nd etc. so a good league campaign could easily be undone by a poor Indoor Champs. There is a maximum of 23 points available for the teams as the old BUTTS rule about discarding the worst performance from the final standings has been dropped.
In NEUAL there are also changes. To encourage development of clubs there, any individual archers from Leeds Metropolitan and Sheffield Hallam will be able to augment the Leeds and Sheffield teams respectively. Once either Leeds Met. or Sheffield Hallam had grown to a sufficient size, they would then compete separately. At BUSA Champs however the pairs of clubs would still be required to compete separately. Additionally, Northumbria should be joining the league, bringing the total number of competing teams to nine.
Additionally, all indoor NEUAL matches (including League Matches, Novice and Indoor Champs) will now be scored at 10 points for 1st place, 9 for 2nd, 8 for 3rd etc., with the powerful disincentive of 0 for a no show. Senior NEUAL teams are competing for up 50 points, up to 60 points available for NEUAL Novice Teams. The NEUAL website has moved to a new address.
There is a small change to SWWU as teams will host 2 matches each, with Aberystwyth unlikely to compete but the possibility of a new club forming at Bristol. In SEAL it seems Kent won't be joining this year, but a new club at Essex (which I only found by accident on Facebook - see the new Facebook page) might. SUS is completely unchanged.
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