Warwick completed a marvellous BUTTS season with a comfortable victory at the BUTTS championships on 2263. The win, and the resultant seven points, added to the four lots of four they accrued for winning their ordinary BUTTS league matches gives Warwick a perfect score of 23 points out of a possible 23 - and with a top score only a gold away from 2300. Plus throw in a team average of 2259 (the highest ever in BUTTS season by a full 30 points), Warwick are worthy winners and serious contenders at both BUSA and BUTC.
Loughborough scored 2218 to become the fourth BUTTS uni to brake 2200. Oxford were third and finished second overall. Cambridge's novices needed to finish fourth to guarantee the novice title and did exactly that. Warwick's novice team won on the day, slipped ahead of Birmingham on aggregate. Individual winners were all well clear in their respective categories. Alex Lyne (Loughborough) 584 and Julie Chenery (Warwick) 574 won the senior categories. Lance Halls (Birmingham) 548 and Michelle Huang (Warwick) 546. Helen Bundy (Derby) broke her own All Unis record for ladies senior barebow with 510. On the BUTTS website, Alex Stuart has produced a lot of stats about this record breaking BUTTS season.
As BUTTS draws to a close, the SWWU season got off the ground with a match at Bath. There was disappointment for Swansea who failed to break 2100 and lost out to Bath's 2143. Exeter only just cleared 2000. The top scorers for the three sides were Jason Ong (Bath) 558, Rhodri Curnow (Swansea) 568 and Andy Tan (Exeter) 563. The Welsh side did win the novice match however. Scores from BUSA will be used for the second SWWU leg of the season and the SEAL match Brunel v Southampton v Reading.
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