Sunderland are set to become the twelth member of NEUAL for the 2011/12 season. The club sprang into competitive life last year and appeared at both BUCS Indoors and BUTC. Sunderland will have some local rivalry right from the off as the Wearsiders' first match is scheduled to be against Northumbria. The third team in the match is MMU Cheshire who joined the league last year, but did not record any scores, so a double debut is in the offing - it would be a treble, but Northumbria did record one score last year. Defending champions Keele start off against Lancaster and Bradford. Provisional calendars for NEUAL, BUTTS and SUS are published, although some dates may get moved around to allow for BUCS and BUTC.
Behind the scenes at NEUAL, Michael Ward continues as league organiser, for his (and NEUAL's) tenth season. However, for 2011/12, he will be joined by a Secretary and Treasurer. Lotty Boatman (York) and Bethany Woodcock (Huddersfield) will perform these roles.
In other regional league organiser news, as reported on UKSAA already, Xi Yuan (Exeter) will take charge of SWWU next year, in line with that league's policy of rotating the organiser's position between clubs. Plymouth and Gloucestershire will hopefully compete more fully in SWWU this season, SWWU already the smallest of the five leagues.
SEAL have yet to formally announce if there will be any changes to the league's structure or composition for the coming year. Four out of nine clubs recorded at least one senior team DNS, with Brunel failing to record any scores at all. East Anglia have confirmed that they won't be seeking to join either BUTTS or SEAL, but hope to compete in a number of friendlies over the year, including against local rivals Essex and Cambridge.
Reminder that your league orgainser are Matt Nowicki (SUS), Michael Ward (NEUAL), Steven Johnson (BUTTS), Brad Keogh (SEAL) and Xi Yuan (SWWU).
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