In case you have been living under a rock, the 2012 Olympics are about to start in London. Strictly the Olympics falls outside the purview of the UKSAA site, but it's worth pointing out that two former individual BUSA champions, Alison Williamson (Indoors 2003) and Naomi Folkard (Indoors 2005) are in the British team. Archery's knock out rounds should be broadcast in full on one of the extra digital channels, full details on the tournament website,
Archery being on the telly is a significant PR boost with Freshers Weeks not all that far away. It has been a good year for archery at the cinema box office too (Avengers, Hunger Games and presumably Brave as well) so hopefully there will be a bumper intake of novices for the 2012/13 season.
In other news, the BUCS Outdoors Results Archive has now been updated with 2012's results - apologies for this accidental omission.
Also, the fifth and final SWWU scores extracted from the Lilleshall's numbers sees Bath joining Warwick, Edinburgh, Southampton and Sheffield as regional regional league winners. Bath won the leg and comfortably claimed the SWWU crown. Exeter were third in the match (with an incomplete team), but retained second place in the overall standings. Alex Hickson (Bath) on 1105 and Xi Yuan (Exeter) on 1030 were the high scorers in the match.
A win for Swansea in the novice match might have spelled problems for Bath in the overall table, but with only three of the SWWU sides present, Bath picked up the three points they needed to be assured of the novice title with 21 points, Swansea ending on 20 and Exeter on 19. Ste Jones (Swansea) top scored in the novice match with 701, all the more impressive considering Jones was shooting barebow.
A successor to league organiser Xi Yuan (Exeter) has yet to be confirmed, but SWWU's tradtional rotation of the role means that the 2012/13 incumbent is likely to come from Swansea. Whoever takes over, they will hope to run an expanding league. Plymouth took part in three of the SWWU matches this year, more than ever before. Coupled with a new club formed at Cardiff, SWWU could expand to much healthier numbers by the autumn.
As always, please check the Club Directory and contact UKSAA if there any updates to be made.
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