The entry form for BUTC 2014 has now been published on the BUTC Tournament Info page. The final deadline for Southampton to receive entry forms is Friday 31st January - the list of 32 teams allocated spaces will be published on UKSAA then.
There is also an initial entry deadline of Friday 24th January. Entries received by this date are eligible for the B team draw, with the hosts' B team given the first space. In the event that more than 32 different universities enter, those clubs entered by this date will be given priority.
There is no advantage to getting your entry form in first, but if you would like a B team, beat the initial deadline. Or volunteer to host BUTC 2015.
Tournament hosts Southampton have a very good recent record at BUTC, but perhaps surprisingly, no host club has won the event since Edinburgh in 2007. Southampton have reached at least the quarter-finals in each of the last four years, going on to the semis in 2011 and 2013. Their 2011 quarter-final win against Warwick finished 17-15, still the record for the highest match aggregate since the current format was introduced (in 2007).
Southampton is the most southerly ever BUTC venue, following Swansea in 2009. Southampton are the first SEAL club to host the event.
On the subject of Southampton against Warwick, results from the November round of the E-League came out a month ago. Warwick won the round, with Southampton in second. Sept/Oct winners Bath were sixth, so Southampton and Warwick now co-lead the table on 18 points, with Bath on 15. Cambridge were fourth again, now on 14 points, with Loughborough third in the month now on 13.
Aberdeen A, Birmingham B, Exeter A and Exeter B lead Divisions 2, 3, 4 and Conference, whilst Derby have opened up a large lead in Novice Division 1.
Alex Hickson (Bath) leads Gareth Fleming (Queen Margaret) in individual gents recurve, whilst Rebekah Tipping (Aberdeen) leads Madeleine Meatyard (Warwick) in the ladies. Scores for Round 3, December/January can be submitted up to an including Wednesday 5th February.
The BUCS Indoors entry deadline is Thursday 13th February - more about that nearer the time.
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