The twelfth edition of BUTC will take place in 2014, but where will the yellow disc-based extravaganza be pitching up next year?
UKSAA now officially invites clubs to bid to host BUTC 2014. The bidding process is slightly different this year. Any club wishing to host must submit a bid document at (or preferably before) the final deadline of Friday 25th October as usual. However, prior to that, the club must also have contacted UKSAA via email to register interest by Friday 11th October. This expression of interest can simply be in the form of a one line email.
The organising team will then be in contact to discuss the proposed bid further, with the final bid deadline, as above on Friday 25th October. The preferred date for hosting BUTC 2014 is Saturday 15th February. For more details, see the BUTC Hosting Info page, whilst for 2014 specific info, see the Tournament Info page.
So, why host BUTC? Hosting a competition like BUTC is quite a bit of work, but there is an experienced organising team on hand to run things on the day. Host clubs gain a wealth of useful experience and are allocated the first B team slot - if one is available this time of course. Also there is the not insignificant matter of going to sleep in your own bed afterwards.
To get an idea for the sort of things you may need (other than a lot of volunteers to help), check out the Hosting Info page in the BUTC section. Reminder that not all the helpers need come from your club, so tap up your neighbouring clubs. You can remind them that if you are selected as hosts, they enjoy the side benefit of shorter travel times.
BUTC 2013 was hosted by Lancaster and was won by Oxford.
Reminder that BUCS Indoors, which will take place on Saturday 1st March 2014 in Telford, is also looking for at least a couple of host clubs. Contact Steven Johnson on if you fancy a piece of this.
BUCS Indoors 2013 was run by the combined SSS clubs and was won by Nottingham.
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