Usually editorial articles on the this website are allowed to mellow like a fine wine for at least a few days, revelling in the tag of Latest Article, before making their way in to the archives. However, because there are a lot of regional league results to review (including three leagues extracting scores from Telford), this week will see one article per day, focussing on each league in turn.
Thursday - SWWU
After match 2 Seniors: Bath 20 points, Swansea 18, Exeter 16. Novices: Swansea and Bath 19 points, Aberystwyth 15.
SWWU match 3 was extracted from BUCS scores. Bath took maximum points in the match with a team total just 2 shy of 2200, led by a 573 from Alex Hickson. The highest score in the match was Gerda Pociunaite (Exeter) who also won individual BUCS ladies recurve with her 577, guiding Exeter to 2159 and second place. Swansea were not far behind in third on 2128, with Plymouth in fourth on 2049. Dave Jenner (Swansea) scored 568. Aberystwth were fifth, whilst three archers from Cardiff were included in the match result in sixth ahead of one from South Wales. Bath and Swansea went in to the novice match level on points and were difficult to split in match 3. Bath notched 1513 against 1509 from Swansea, Hugh Pearce (Bath) top scorer 533. Exeter finished third to draw level with Aberystwyth.
After match 3 Seniors: Bath 30 points, Swansea 26, Exeter 25. Novices: Bath 29 points, Swansea 28, Aberystwyth and Exeter 22.
The SWWU table is currently at its half way point, see SWWU 2013/14 page. SWWU match 4 was a FITA 18 as hosted by Emily Williams, the one woman South Wales team, on Sat 22nd Mar. SWWU match 5 will be hosted by Swansea on Sun 30th Mar and results for both of these will be published when they become available. SWWU will have a match 6, extracted from the BUCS Outdoors scores.
Over the last couple of years, the organisers of SWWU have put effort into boosting both the number of teams and matches that take place in the smallest of the leagues. No less than eight different clubs are in the league table this season, the first time this has exceeded five. Bristol, Cardiff and South Wales all appear for the first time, whilst Aberystwyth are taking a full part this season.
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