With a date for BUTC already pencilled in (the weekend of Saturday 3rd March), we are now looking for a university to host this prestigious event. This year will be the fifth runnnig of the championship and the knock-out tournament has already visited Edinburgh, York, Nottingham and Warwick. Could your club be next?
For more information on hosting BUTC you can have a look at the BUTC section (link on the left). You need hall space for 16 bosses and about 20 volunteers, to say nothing of your own team to actually enter the competition. You also need a chief organiser with plenty of enthusiasm but fear not because Tim Mundon and the ACME crew will be helping out.
At the moment you do not need to commit to anything, but if your club is interested in hosting and/or you have questions about hosting, then please get in touch with the UKSAA to register your interest at the usual address, studentarchery@@yahoo.co.uk. The final deadline for actual applications to host will be announced later and is likely to be in early December.
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