The closing date for bids to host BUTC has been set at 12 noon on Friday 8th December. All entries should be sent to the UKSAA mailbox, Please get in touch with UKSAA at any time if you would like more information about hosting.
As most BUTC veterans will know, Werner Beiter has been an enthusiastic supporter of the event, not least because we have been using his hit/miss targets for the elimination rounds. Well, this year, Werner has gone one further, by offering to supply all the university clubs around the country with a hit miss targets and some lovely yellow discs as well as a Beiter sight tunnel, specifically designed for these targets.
Yes, that's right, my student friends, free stuff. Many thanks to Herr Beiter. You will have to pay for the next load of yellow discs you buy, once the first set is broken, however!
Ian McGibbon (SEAL) and myself (SUS) will be delivery boys, along with some others (probably the League Organisers) in their areas to make sure every club gets them in time for the fifth running of BUTC. The 60mm discs will be in use again for the elimination rounds and the date for the competition is still Saturday 3rd March.
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