Pardon? Yes, you did read that headline correctly. In the past I have not been slow to jump all over BUSA and their handling of student archery but in recent weeks there has been some positive movement.
The endorsement by BUSA of BUTTS from 2007/08 is very interesting news. You might say this is BUSA coming to the party late, 12 years after BUTTS' formation, but perhaps we should be pleased they came at all. Remember, as far as BUSA is officially concerned there are only 2 student archery competitions per year! The BUSA Midlands Archery Conference (or whatever it ends up being called) will generate BUSA points, although not, as in the BUSA Championships, for novice/shield/trophy archers. Other local unis (e.g. Derby, De Montfort) will also take their place in the league, and if all goes well, NEUAL, SEAL and SWWU could conceivably follow in BUTTS' footsteps. Unions are more amenable to BUSA competitions and this boosts BUSA's engagement with day-to-day student archery. More details will become available after the BUTTS AGM in a few days.
The second piece of news is the reduction in entry fees for BUSA Outdoors and the cutting of the entirely unjustifiable 'team tax'. Individual entries are down to £10 and the team tax has been scrapped totally - both of these moves are to be welcomed, although the cynical might say it is a financial incentive to counteract the FITA round (on trial in 2007) discouraging less able archers from entering. Having said that, if Cambridge's proposals are accepted then the event capacity will be reduced to 192 - puzzling when you consider that in 2006 there were 314 entries and 260 competitors.
If your club has a comment to make on the trial round change then please get in touch with the SAG.
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