With the closing date now a week ago, the list of teams competing at the fifth BUTC has already been released. The list is as follows (all A & B teams unless stated): Birmingham, Cambridge, Dundee (A only), Durham, Edinburgh, Imperial, Keele, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Loughborough, Napier, Nottingham, Oxford (A only), St. Andrews (A only), Sheffield, Surrey (A only), Warwick and York.
A target list [22kb] has been produced. [Newly added - Ed.]
If you become aware in advance that (one of) your team(s) is not going to make it, then please get in touch with Gregor Schnuer immediately, because we don't want empty spaces on the line when there is a waiting list of teams ready to sample the BUTC experience.
For those of you that are not aware of one of BUTC's finest traditions, it is the Competitor Questionnaire [20kb]. This is to help your esteemed commentators get to know you a little better. It is the only compulsory aspect of the day so please print a copy off and bring it with you on the day. There is also a link to the document available in the BUTC section.
Another quick reminder that knock-out matches now consist of four ends of two arrows each and that all three archers must have shot their arrows within two minutes.
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