This has been a busy festive period, here at UKSAA towers, with BUTC hosting being sorted out and the addition of Facebook and Twitter and a new Gmail address. The closing date for responses to Archery GB's potentially expensive Membership Modernisation Consultation is approaching.
According to the Home Page, UKSAA was "created to help disseminate information within the UK's university archery community", so adding social media channels certainly makes sense. Judging by the immediate uptake (of Facebook likes in particular) this was long overdue.
It is worth mentioning that Steven Johnson and members of the BUCS SAG and Regional League Organisers are also Facebook page admins and can post accordingly. This should mean relevant information is broadcast more quickly and to a wider audience. It also saves me doing all the work.
If your club would like to be eligible for a BUTC B team space, then you must get your entries to Lancaster's Michael Lindsay by Fri 25th Jan. Fri 1st Feb is the absolute deadline for entries.
Also coming up, the deadline for responses to the Archery GB Membership Modernisation Consultation is Thu 31st Jan. It is absolutely critical that the student community makes itself heard about the changes that have been mooted that would send the costs for student archers through the (potentially uninsured) roof. For full details read Modernisation vs Insurance.
Regional league action also resumes this weekend with the first half of BUTTS leg 3 taking place in Oxford. The second half of this match, at Nottingham Trent has been pushed back a week. The third batch of NEUAL fixtures is spread across the next two weekends and SUS' Griftsmouth is also happening this weekend in Edinburgh.
Finally, if you are travelling to a competition, please exercise suitable caution and check the weather forecasts.
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