In deadline news, responses to the Archery GB Membership Modernisation Consultation must be in by Thu 31st Jan. The final BUTC entry deadline is the following day, Fri 1st Feb. After this the B team lottery will take place - the B team entry deadline has now passed. E-League scores for the December/January round must be submitted by Tue 5th Feb and entries for BUCS Indoors are due by Thu 14th Feb.
Thanks to all those who have liked the UKSAA's Facebook page and to those who follow @UKStudentArcher on Twitter. According to the site's own Home Page, UKSAA was "created to help disseminate information within the UK's university archery community", thus adding social media channels certainly makes sense. Judging by the uptake (of Facebook likes in particular) it was also long overdue.
Having the BUCS SAG and League Organisers as additional administrators for the Facebook page streamlines the process of getting announcements out there. It also follows on from BUCS' clarification of their social media policies, which had led to the removal of the BUCS Archery Facebook page.
At the moment, the Twitter account is all your Editor's own work.
Recent bad weather caused the cancellation the BUTTS match at Oxford. The clubs affected will have the scores they shoot in match 4 double up and also count for match 3. This means that no BUTTS results will be known until after the results of match 4 on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of February.
Elsewhere SEAL's January round of fixtures looks likely to be a postal now, whilst there is no news yet on the 4 NEUAL matches that should have taken place by this weekend. Edinburgh held a Griftsmouth on Sat 19th Jan. Top students in the "main" categories were novice Bethan Koller (Napier) in the Griftsmouth and Graeme Black (Napier) with the biggest difference. Ben Arenas (Edinburgh) recorded the top student Portsmouth with 561.
Also, the All Unis and BUCS Championship record sheets have been updated, see the Resources section.
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