Nottingham and Oxford are set to be relegated from E-League Division 1, after results from Round 4, February were published. Neither the BUCS Indoors nor the BUTC champions have any scores entered for the first four rounds and with two teams to go down, they are now too far behind.
Edinburgh took maximum points in Round 4, the first time this has happened since November 2011. Overall leaders Warwick were second in the round and have moved to 38 points, with Edinburgh on 35. Loughborough and Southampton have 32 and 31, Southampton edging Loughborough into fourth in Round 4. Round 5, March scores should include BUCS Indoors - here Warwick and Edinburgh got the same score.
In Division 2, Warwick B lead, with Derby A and Liverpool A eligible for promotion in second and third. Derby are definitely be going up, whilst Napier's chances of overtaking Liverpool are mathematical only. In Division 3, London A are up, whilst Aberdeen A are favourites to join them, Durham A probably too far behind with only onw round remaining. Division 4 is more open, with the B teams of London and Liverpool in the top two slots at the moment. At least 2 teams will go up from the Conference, but with no less than 10 teams in Division 4 recording no scores so far, it could conceivably be 10 down, 10 up. MMU Cheshire A and Aberdeen B are out in front in the Conference table with Strathclyde A leading the chasing pack.
Edinburgh have a commanding seven point lead in Novice Division 1, 39 to the 32 of Southampton, with Napier on 28, leading Birmingham and Warwick by a point. Novice Division 2 is dominated by B and C teams, with Derby A and Bath A in 6th and 7th in the promotion slots at the moment. Novice Division 2 and to a greater extent Novice Division 3 have a lot of no scores, which will affect the number of promotion and relegation slots. MMU Cheshire A and Napier B lead the Novice Conference.
In the individual standings Gareth Fleming (Queen Margaret) has 74 points and a seven point lead over Thomas Cram (Loughborough) with one round remaining, both men scoring 17 in Round 4, Sherman Ip (London) dropping to third on 64 points after Round 4. In the ladies, Rachael Hutchison (Warwick) saw her 4 point lead evaporate, with Sarah Russell (Birmingham) now on 69, Maryia Karpiyevich (Cambridge) now on 67, with Russell close behing on 65. Victoria Saduikis (Queen Mary) is still in touch on 61.
Top novice gents are Sukrit "Roy" Hotrabhvanon (Edinburgh) 75 and Andrej Chrustaliov (Napier) 66, whilst top novice ladies are Bethan Koller (Napier) 68 and Sarah Haile (Birmingham) 57. Hotrabhvanon and Koller, in addition to big leads, also both won in Telford, leaving both heavy favourites for E-League glory. For both genders 3rd and 4th novice is tightly contested. Andrew Howe (Southampton) leads Curtis Tatner (Loughborough) 50-49, whilst Samantha Le Sommer (Napier) leads Julie Saigusa (Edinburgh) 51-49.
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