As previously announced on this website, Keele are the 2012/13 NEUAL champions in both senior and novice team categories. Keele's main challengers were Sheffield until their DNS for their last match, sending Sheffield tumbling to 7th and 5th overall. Liverpool finished senior runners up, with York third. Lancaster were novice runners up, with Bradford third.
There are too many matches to be reviewed individually, especially as some of them took place several months ago, but there are a few highlights worth sharing.
Undoubtedly the pivotal fixture was match 18. Sheffield's no score against Duham, Liverpool and Sunderland, left them on 49 points. Had Sheffield finished at least second in the match - 2168 would have done - they would have been champions. In the 3rd, 4th and 5th batch of fixtures, Sheffield were the highest scorers, breaking 2200 twice (2236 and 2218) with Liverpool the next best on 2194 and Durham in the 2180s twice. Keele's top score was 2183, but this came in match 16, against Sheffield's 2218.
Across all the matches there were 570s were recorded by Matthew Howard (Keele), Mike Smith, Hugh Williams and Stuart Archer (all Sheffield). Smith's 574 in match 10 was the top of the bunch.
Sara Emanuelsson (Durham) also shot 570, and in the process completely rewrote ladies barebow records yet again. The All Unis record at the start of the year was 523 and the gents All Unis equivalent is 536. Emmanuelsson also shot a 561, with 568 in match 15 from Sigourney Lee (York) the top lady recurve score. There were several other scores in the 560s including two from Neil Robson (Keele).
The best performing club in the novice matches were Bradford who scored 1485, 1435 and 1450 and won all three of their matches. The next highest totals were a 1431 from Sheffield and a 1418 from Liverpool, with Liverpool also recording three wins. Sheffield's DNS in match 18 significantly impacted the novice table. A score of 1419 in match 18 would have won and given Sheffield the points needed.
Novices that broke 500 were Dean Dowling, Liam Frederick, Radu Stefan (all Bradford), Sam Spring (Durham) and Chase Miller (Hull).
Keele's 58 out of a possible 60 points gives them the senior NEUAL title for the third time, adding the 2013 title to those won in 2007 and 2011. Liverpool took second place (matching their previous best NEUAL finish in 2009) on 56 points and their 6 match aggregate of 13,000 was the highest in NEUAL. Liverpool have had a good season, with two teams in the QFs of BUTC and promotion to ELeague Division 1 secured for next year. Third place in the table went to York on 53 points ahead of Lancaster and Bradford on 50 and Durham and Sheffield on 49.
The novice NEUAL championship is out of 70 points and Keele's 67 was, in the end, enough for a 4 point lead over Lancaster who were second. Bradford and Liverpool both finished on 60 points, Bradford taking third place on match aggregate. Sheffield were fifth despite the DNS on 57, with MMU Cheshire inside the top half of the table on 53 points.
DNS left ugly scars on the 2011/12 NEUAL tables (12 senior and 21 novice team) and although Sheffield's DNS clearly made a difference to the podiums, those figures were markedly down this year, with 7 senior team and 9 novice team DNSs. Those figures fall further (to 2 and 3) if you discount Sunderland, who only took part in one match.
After another colourful year, see here the final NEUAL 2012/13 standings.
[Minor changes 28th July - Ed.]
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